Freshen Up: 8 Tips for Spring ‘Cleaning’ Your Small Business

woman does inventory on ipad in small business store

Be honest. When was the last time you really took a fresh look at your business? Well, spring has sprung, and it's the perfect time for small business owners and creative entrepreneurs to dust off and set their sights on growth. It's all about evaluating your marketing strategies, considering new product lines, and finding fresh ways to connect with your customers. By figuring out what's working, what needs a tweak, and what's not cutting it anymore, you can gear up for success in the months ahead.

To help you kickstart your spring cleaning, here's a high-level guide on our top 8 go-to spots to check in on and keep fresh for a high-growth (and streamlined) year ahead.

1. Reassess your ideal customer

Getting to know your customers inside and out is key. Dive into customer feedback from surveys, reviews, and social media chats to get the scoop on what's hitting the mark and what's missing it. Segment your audience based on demographics, behaviors, or preferences to tailor your marketing like a pro. And hey, don't forget to give your ideal customer personas a little makeover based on your findings.

Three Things to Check:

  • Have you asked all last year's clients for reviews or feedback?

  • Spotted any new customer segments or shifts in existing ones?

  • Is your marketing messaging hitting the right notes with your target audience?

  • Read this post for more on creating your ideal customer profile

2. Research new market trends

Staying on top of market trends keeps you ahead of the game. Dive into industry reports and market research to spot emerging trends and opportunities. If you're in the wedding biz, for example, Wedding Pro and Zola have some awesome insights. Find a new podcast or two to follow that can help broaden your perspective. Don’t forget to keep an eye on what your competitors are up to as well, and use that intel to stand out from the crowd.

Three Things to Check:

  • Any trends that could shake up your industry or target market?

  • New tech, platforms, or info hubs your ideal clients are loving?

  • Thought about how global or local events might sway market trends?

3. Freshen up your marketing content

Regular check-ups on your marketing efforts make sure they're doing their job. Do an audit of your content across all channels, like social media, blogs, and email campaigns, to see if they're resonating with your audience and still true to you. Make sure your brand voice and messaging are on point everywhere. And don't forget to track your key performance indicators (KPIs) to see where you can level up. Marketing audits are a great time to get a fresh pair of eyes on your strategy, so don't be shy about asking for help.

Three Things to Check:

  • Is all the information in your content (including contact info, promos, and services) still accurate?

  • Which content is acing the game in reaching and converting your ideal customers?

  • Is your messaging singing the same tune across all your marketing channels?

4. Check your contact data

Let's face it—data gets stale. Half of your email marketing database will likely need a refresh every two years, but it’s better not to wait. Keeping your data clean and current is a must for making informed decisions and nailing your marketing. It's time to ditch those invalid or unengaged email addresses to boost your deliverability and engagement rates.

Three Things to Check:

  • Are your contact lists free from duplicates and old info?

  • Have you neatly segmented your data for targeted marketing campaigns?

  • Are you using data analytics to steer your business strategies?

5. Optimize your processes

Say goodbye to time wasters! Smoothing out your processes can save time, cut costs, boost customer happiness, and keep you sane. Check out automation tools like Honeybook, FloDesk, Enji, Chat GPT, and Zapier for tasks like email marketing, social media posting, or invoicing. And, consider outsourcing accounting, graphic design, or even social media management to free up time to focus on what you do best (but make sure you have a strategy first).

Three Things to Check:

  • Have you spotted any bottlenecks or inefficiencies in your current processes?

  • Is there room to automate or outsource tasks to save time and resources?

  • Are you using automation to make your sales funnel a conversion machine?

6. Craft a strong marketing strategic plan

Creating a solid marketing strategic plan is like creating a meal plan of tactics for your business. It's all about taking all the ingredients, like the insights you've gathered from understanding your customers, researching market trends, auditing your marketing, cleaning your data, updating your processes, and turning them into a clear, actionable plan. This plan should outline your goals, target audience, key messages, tactics, and how you'll measure success. It's your recipe for growth, so make it count!

Three Things to Check:

  • Have you set clear, achievable goals based on your findings from sections 1-5?

  • Does your plan include strategies for reaching your target audience effectively and efficiently?

  • Have you outlined how you'll track and measure the success of your marketing efforts?

7. Review Legal Documents

Protecting your business from risks and staying compliant is super important. Review your client, supplier, and partner contracts to ensure they're up to date. Check that your policies, like privacy and return policies, are current and legal. And keep a close eye on your intellectual property, like trademarks and copyrights, to ensure no one's running off with your hard work.

Three Things to Check:

  • Are your contracts and agreements fresh with the latest terms and legal must-dos?

  • Have you given your business policies a recent check-up for compliance?

  • Is your intellectual property locked down tight and registered?

8. Reassess your budget

A smart budget makes sure your resources are working hard for your business goals. Look back at last year to evaluate the ROI of your marketing channels and adjust your budget to focus on the most effective strategies that support this year’s goals. Review your expenses to identify areas where you can cut costs or reallocate funds for better returns; however, don’t forget that time is money, so explore opportunities for investing in new tools, technologies, or training to drive business growth and save on effort.

Three Things to Check:

  1. Is your budget aligned with your business priorities and growth objectives for this year?

  2. Are each of your marketing channels getting a good return on their investment? (don’t forget, things like Brand and awareness campaigns can be hard to quantify)

  3. Have you identified any areas for cost savings or reallocation to support your growth strategy?


That's your spring cleaning checklist to get your business prepped for success. By giving these areas a good once-over, you're not just tidying up—you're setting the table for serious growth. And if you're thinking, "Phew, that's a lot," don't sweat it! Mise en Plan is here to lend a hand. 

Whether you need a handcrafted marketing strategy, a fresh set of eyes for a marketing audit, or some savvy advice on streamlining your processes, we’re experienced small business marketing advisors and have your back. So, why wait? Let's spring into action and make this year a game-changer for your business.

Ready to optimize your marketing strategy and boost your marketing’s impact? Book a free consultation or reach out to, and let's craft a plan that gets your business perfectly prepped for success!


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