Brand Strategy vs. Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses

Have you been confused about what a ‘brand strategist’ is vs. a ‘marketing strategist’? Are they really that different? Well… yes…and no.

In the world of small businesses and creative entrepreneurship, the terms 'brand' and 'marketing' are often used interchangeably.  Perhaps you’re in the market for some help with your business and are getting a bit confused by what a ‘brand’ is vs. ‘marketing.’ Understanding the difference between these two ingredients is crucial, as is recognizing the importance of their respective strategists when it comes to their distinct roles in the recipe for success. 

Mise en Plan is here to help you unearth the differences of brand and marketing, ensuring you’re educated and informed going into a conversation about either when looking to get your business prepped for success!

The Essence of Your Brand

Your brand is the long-term, holistic essence of your business. It's the voice, values, look, and feel that say who you are and resonate with your audience, like the unique fingerprint that makes your company yours. 

It's not just about your logo or color scheme; it's about the emotional connection and consistent experience your clients can expect. For example, a wedding photographer's brand might be their signature light and airy photography style. A graphic designer's brand might be their contemporary aesthetic. A boutique store's brand might be their dedication to sustainable and ethically sourced products. Your brand strategy is what sets you apart and makes you unforgettable.

A brand strategy is not a one-time project or a static element. It's not just your logo or color scheme. It's an ongoing narrative that demands consistency and attention and is likely to grow with you.

The Action in Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing is a shorter-term, goal-oriented plan focused on tactics that encourage your audience to take desired actions, such as making a purchase or referring your company to a friend. It's the practical steps—the recipes—that transform your brand into an irresistible experience for your audience. 

For a freelance writer, this might mean leveraging social media to share your articles and drive traffic to your website; for an event caterer, it could involve personalized tasting menus for high-value prospects. A marketing strategy is the planned, active promotion of your services or products, designed to change behaviors and drive conversions so that you can hit one or more specific goals. 

Marketing strategy is not a one-size-fits-all approach or a quick fix. It's not just about sales or advertising or a collection of one-off initiatives; it's a strategic, planned effort to build relationships and drive meaningful interactions that lead to the actions you want your ideal customers to take. 

In truth… neither your marketing efforts nor your brand can live in a vacuum, and they both rely very much on each other to ensure success.

The Synergy of Brand and Marketing

When your brand and marketing work in harmony, they create a powerful synergy that propels your business forward. Your marketing efforts should be a reflection of your brand, a story or flavor profile that is carried through everything you do, ensuring a consistent and authentic experience. While they should align, think of your brand strategy as the foundation and identity, while your marketing strategy is the set of tools and tactics used to communicate and engage. 

For small businesses and creative entrepreneurs, understanding the distinction between brand strategy and marketing strategy is essential for crafting a successful business strategy.


If you're navigating the intricate dance between brand and marketing strategies and trying to figure out what is right for your goals, Mise en Plan is here to help. Book a free consultation, and let's discuss where you’re at and whether we’re the best fit to help you create a plan that showcases your unique brand and achieves your business goals!

In the meantime, check out our Pantry full of Free Snacks for quick tips to help you get started on the path of prepping for success.


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